Every day more job boards are started and employers enter into new contracts with them to test the waters and expand their candidate pool. How on earth can you possibly keep an updated list of which boards are appropriate for your niche and desired role? While we’re sure there are ways, there’s simply no need.
Just like Google, there are job board search engines that are created for the simple purpose of identifying any relevant position to your search, regardless of what board it may appear on. They work just like any board’s search terms would. You choose your location, travel distance and enter the keywords that have been successful in resourcing applicable positions for you. The aggregate will pull-up the positions that are most closely matching your requests, bringing every known and unknown posting site to your desktop in a nice, easy list!
Once you have confirmed these are the right searches for you, you may take this one step further by automating your search. You may schedule daily delivery of any newly posted positions right to your very own Inbox. Think about the amount of time you’ll save, avoiding jumping from site to site, keeping track of which keywords you entered last…instead, step 1 - open your email, step 2 - read the brief listing and by step 3 - you’re already considering the actual position and company. Work smart and hard, not just hard!
To learn more about these search aggravates, email Jennifer@CaterpillarCareerConsultants.com