Friday, July 31, 2009

From Want-Ads to Want-Me!

Just ten years ago, job seekers awakened early Sunday morning to rush down to their corner store for the Want-Ads classified section of the local newspaper. Eagerly, the unemployed would read the 30 words or less and rush off to the local fax machine, crossing their fingers the whole time. We knew very little about the prospective opportunity, but had high hopes and pushed on.

In 2009, very few companies even consider buying a print ad in their local newspaper or Want-Ads – they’re almost ancient history. Corporate job descriptions now boil over with details and dreams of their ideal hire. While frustrated HR professionals often choose to not post these jobs online after previously being flooded with unqualified candidates time and time again.

So how are people getting hired for the job that they can’t even find? Instead of focusing on Want-Ads and online postings, successful job seekers focus their energies on self-promotion campaigning, ergo “Want-Me.” Nobody knows you better than yourself, so who better than you to communicate your story and message to the marketplace? No one!

Through a combination of traditional techniques and new media marketing, create a campaign targeting your desired audience of prospective employers and have a-go. In more than 15 years of recruiting, never once did I say, “…oh no, someone sent me their resume with a cover letter of introduction!”

With every send, you’re taking another step closer to your long-term goal, forging new business relationships all along the way. Our career coaches are specialists who will work with you through your campaign, guiding your path, helping you jump the hurdles and land firmly on both feet. It all starts with the first small step, speak with a qualified career coach now…after all, your competition is.

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