Sunday, December 16, 2012

To Temp or Not To Temp

Q: After being laid off, I am actively seeking a new full time, permanent position. Since that’s my goal, I've been telling most recruiters I’m not interested in temp work, or temp to perm at this point. When do you think I should go down that avenue of employment? I'm hesitant to accept a short term position, because I am still interviewing for permanent jobs, averaging about one interview per week…

A: No time like the present! Give that recruiter a call today and be honest with them. As long as they know you will be accepting interviews for permanent positions, with consideration to your temporary employer, it can be a win-win for all.
In this unique market being open to temp and temp-to-perm employment opportunities adds to your professional network and opens your search to a new demographic of employers, and the more companies that can consider you for their staff, the better. This is especially a good idea for professionals who have spent many years working within one industry or niche and are finding they are, “always the bridesmaid, never the bride.” Employers today are often extremely specific about the desired skills and the practical application of those skills, in other words if they are in the confectionery business, they may hesitate hiring someone from non-profit for example. A chance to evaluate the fit, without any obligation is a great option for both the employer and temporary employee.

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