Friday, November 2, 2012

That "No Thanks" Letter is Gold!

"After searching online for days, I finally came across a position that must have been written just for me! The industry was a niche I worked in for the past ten years, the qualifications were on point with my experience and the responsibilities were almost identical to my last full time position. I took the time to customize my cover letter and eagerly sent it in…waiting for that call to meet, but no call came.
I was bummed and stumped, but tried to leave it behind until one afternoon a few weeks later. In my stack of mail was a letter, a very thin letter from that company. I opened it up only to read my “No Thanks” letter and proceeded to get frustrated…..."

This note came to me from a former colleague of mine and I had to write about it because we’ve almost all had this experience by now and have felt just like him.

In 2009, searching for a job isn’t easy, but perhaps what’s harder is keeping positive day in and day out. It takes a dedicated effort, some ingenuity and determination to get through the weeks of unemployment and all that comes along with it. To succeed, you have to champion your accomplishments along the way, no matter how small they may seem at the time. Had my dear colleague been able to do just that, he would have seen that letter as a new opportunity. For the first time, he processed a contact name, email and direct-phone number for the recruiter in their Human Resources’ department…and that’s gold!

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