Monday, December 28, 2009

I'm getting laid off and don't know where to begin...

Q: I’ve been working with the same company for several years and have just been told that my position is being relocating overseas before the end of the year. Now that I’ve gotten beyond the initial shock, what can I do to prepare for today’s job market?

A: Start with a deep breath and a little determination, the road ahead is not hard too navigate with a little guidance. These basic steps can start you moving in the right direction.

1) Do your homework and get familiar… with yourself!
Determine your Wants vs. Needs. By making this distinction, it will help you to make good decisions as you search for that new job. Get to know your strengths and weaknesses. “To thine own self be true” is best served when you are pursuing your talents and respecting your own limitations. Begin reviewing what types of positions may be a suitable fit to your overall experiences and compliments both your professional and personal goals.

2) Update your Resume and draft a general Cover Letter as your introduction.
It’s always better to do your resume without a pressing deadline looming. Start with an historical timeline and then build on your experiences with bulleted items. We suggest doing so in several shorter writing sessions, allowing you time to re-think and edit the final version.

3) Practice Interviewing.
Just like riding a bike, if you haven’t interviewed in a while, it may seem awkward at first. Look for new or hot Qs that are commonly being used in today’s market, review your resume, and practice well-paced answers avoiding “ums” and long pauses.

4) Update your social networking profiles and your online presence.
First, be sure your profiles on web sites like LinkedIn to Facebook match content from your updated resume. Second, be sure you review your published content for professionalism. While job searching, it’s critical to filter your image, as your name will be Googled before anyone calls you for an interview. Third, begin to review your contacts and explore all of the new connections that may assist your search, i.e. a friend of friend who works for that ideal employer and can make employee referral introduction.

5) Begin your search now, it can take some time.
Partner with a professional Career Coach. We can help you uncover jobs that aren’t posted online and help you streamline your search. Meet with local Recruiters to ensure that they are continually working on your search when you can not be. Lastly, work hard and smart by using job search engines like These sites can compile jobs from all kinds of sites and have daily email alerts sent to directly you. Better you review and apply to each job there then spend time hitting countless sites and trying to remember which keyword you used last.

With each day ahead, take small steps towards your professional future. Remember, some days may offer a great return and have you preparing for exciting interviews, while others may not so rejoice over the small accomplishments along the way and stay positive. You can and will achieve your goals, as long as you believe in yourself!